Welcome to the Land of Kekec!

We offer you two different experiences, which one you choose is up to you. You can
find more information on this web page or contact us by phone or email. Whatever
adventure you choose, we’re certain there will be plenty of shouting for joy!
Attention schools and preschools: please see our note below about reservations and
how and when you can find all the information about available dates.

THE LAND OF KEKEC: Visit Kekec and all the characters – guided tour

Visit Kekec, Mojca, Aunt Pehta, Uncle Brincelj and, of course, Kekec’s 39 goats.

The path to Kekec’s Hut leads past old man Bedanec’s cabin, so you mustn’t leave your
courage at home! What kinds of tricks will Bedanec play on us this time? We certainly won’t let him get away with anything and with our combined efforts, we’ll
send him running. Kekec will surely lead us into some mischief, we’ll race down
slides, through secret tunnels and across meadows, and arrive tired and hungry at
Aunt Pehta’s Hut. She’ll no doubt have some good advice for us and, more importantly, a good snack!

The guided tour of the Land of Kekec and all the characters starts in front of the
Julijana Agency in Kranjska Gora. A very special bus, the Bedancbus, adapted for
driving on secret paths, will be waiting for you there. That’s when your adventure

Important instructions and a short summary:
– The tour of the Land of Kekec is for groups of up to 45 people.
– The tour lasts 2 hours.
– The price includes transportation from Kranjska Gora, the guided tour and a
– Places are limited, so it is best to book through the form below or by phone to
secure your desired date.
– Pets are not allowed in the Land of Kekec, as Kekec’s goats do not like furry
– The tour is at your own risk. Going on the tour means you agree to the
general terms and conditions (see below).
– In the Land of Kekec, GOOD SPIRITS are mandatory!

1–2 persons 19 EUR / per person
3+ persons 17 EUR / per person

The tour is free for children under 2.5 years old

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday: 10.00, 11.00 (if those slots fill up, there is also
a possibility of a tour at 9.00 and 12.00 – for updated information, please see the
booking form below).

For autumn tours, please contact us by phone or email to arrange and coordinate the
desired date. For summer dates in the school year 2024/25, reservations will open
on 1 January 2025. At that time, we will publish a calendar with available dates on
our website where you can book a tour.


V Kekčevi deželi smo za vas pripravili prav posebno ponudbo teambulidingov. Teambulidinge prilagodimo vašim željam, tako da boste kar najbolj uživali!


Ogled Kekčeve dežele z električnimi kolesi je zelo zanimivo doživetje.

Iz Kranjske Gore se na električnih kolesih z izkušenim vodnikom odpravite
proti Kekčevi deželi, tam srečate vse Kekčeve junake
(Mojco, Brinceljna, Bedanca, teto Pehto in Kekca) in se sprehodite čez celotno deželo.

Po raznih vragolijah, ki jih bodo ušpičili naši junaki, je vaša zadnja postaja
koča tete Pehte. Pehta vam bo pripravila okusno okrepčilo po napornem dnevu, polnem doživetij. Za malico vam bo postregla domač narezek (suha
salama, zaseka, različni namazi) in kruh. Poskrbela pa bo tudi, da domov ne boste odšli žejni! 

CENA: 50 EUR/ oseba (DDV je vključen v ceno) 

Možni termini:
– MAJ & JUNIJ: sobota in nedelja
– JULIJ-OKTOBER: ponedeljek, sreda, petek


NEW: An innovative escape room game without walls, without electricity and with the
most stunning views. This experience is especially suitable for older children and
adults, groups of friends, team-building events and tourists visiting Slovenia.

It’s perfect for anyone who already knows Kekec’s story or wants to discover it in a
slightly different way. In families with younger children (up to 8 years old) the parents
will be more active, and children will be good in watching out for Bedanec and
helping to solve challenges. Older children (8+) will be able to solve the puzzles more on their own or with the help of hints, leading to the final solution.

Your mission: In the game, you will step into the shoes of the hero Kekec and follow
the paths of Mojca, Brincelj, Aunt Pehta and the evil Bedanec. Your mission is to find the ingredients for the Elixir of Enlightenment before the dark force poisons the entire planet. Bedanec is on your heels, and you only have a limited time to decipher the
recipe that Aunt Pehta has safely hidden and save the planet before it’s too late!
This unforgettable adventure is enhanced by original challenges, live animals,
tunnels, slides and other elements of surprise.
Important instructions and a short summary:
– The game is suitable for 2–6 players.
– The whole adventure takes from 90 minutes to 2 hours.
– Tickets and game props can be collected at the Julijana Agency.
– You can travel to the game start location by your own transportation or use the
organised transportation from in front of the Julijana Agency.
– In this experience, you will meet one or two characters from the Land of
Kekec, who can help you with solving challenges.
– Pets are not allowed in the Land of Kekec, as Kekec’s goats do not like furry

– Places are limited, so it is best to book through the form below or by phone to
secure your desired date.
– Play the game at your own risk. Embarking on this adventure means you
agree to the general terms and conditions of the game (see below).
– GOOD SPIRITS and a sharp mind are the only necessary equipment!

100 EUR per team (2–4 players), +25 EUR for each additional player (maximum of 6 players in a team).

Monday–Sunday: 9.00–18.00 (please contact us by telephone or email to check
availability for exact times)




Welcome to the Land of Kekec!

We offer you two different experiences, which one you choose is up to you. You can
find more information on this web page or contact us by phone or email. Whatever
adventure you choose, we’re certain there will be plenty of shouting for joy!
Attention schools and preschools: please see our note below about reservations and
how and when you can find all the information about available dates.

THE LAND OF KEKEC: Visit Kekec and all the characters – guided tour

Visit Kekec, Mojca, Aunt Pehta, Uncle Brincelj and, of course, Kekec's goats. The
path to Kekec’s Hut leads past old man Bedanec’s cabin, so you mustn’t leave your
courage at home! What kinds of tricks will Bedanec play on us this time? We
certainly won’t let him get away with anything and with our combined efforts, we’ll
send him running. Kekec will surely lead us into some mischief, we’ll race down
slides, through secret tunnels and across meadows, and arrive tired and hungry at
Aunt Pehta’s Hut. She’ll no doubt have some good advice for us and, more
importantly, a good snack!
The guided tour of the Land of Kekec and all the characters starts in front of the
Julijana Agency in Kranjska Gora. A very special bus, the Bedancbus, adapted for
driving on secret paths, will be waiting for you there. That’s when your adventure
Important instructions and a short summary:
– The tour of the Land of Kekec is for groups of up to 45 people.
– The tour lasts 2 hours.
– The price includes transportation from Kranjska Gora, the guided tour and a
– Places are limited, so it is best to book through the form below or by phone to
secure your desired date.
– Pets are not allowed in the Land of Kekec, as Kekec’s goats do not like furry
– The tour is at your own risk. Going on the tour means you agree to the
general terms and conditions (see below).
– In the Land of Kekec, GOOD SPIRITS are mandatory!

1–2 persons 19 EUR / per person
3+ persons 17 EUR / per person

The tour is free for children under 2.5 years old

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday: 10.00, 11.00 (if those slots fill up, there is also
a possibility of a tour at 9.00 and 12.00 – for updated information, please see the
booking form below).

For autumn tours, please contact us by phone or email to arrange and coordinate the
desired date. For summer dates in the school year 2024/25, reservations will open
on 1 January 2025. At that time, we will publish a calendar with available dates on
our website where you can book a tour.

V Kekčevi deželi smo za vas pripravili prav posebno ponudbo teambulidingov. Teambulidinge prilagodimo vašim željam, tako da boste kar najbolj uživali!


Ogled Kekčeve dežele z električnimi kolesi je zelo zanimivo doživetje.

Iz Kranjske Gore se na električnih kolesih z izkušenim vodnikom odpravite
proti Kekčevi deželi, tam srečate vse Kekčeve junake
(Mojco, Brinceljna, Bedanca, teto Pehto in Kekca) in se sprehodite čez celotno deželo.

Po raznih vragolijah, ki jih bodo ušpičili naši junaki, je vaša zadnja postaja
koča tete Pehte. Pehta vam bo pripravila okusno okrepčilo po napornem dnevu, polnem doživetij. Za malico vam bo postregla domač narezek (suha
salama, zaseka, različni namazi) in kruh. Poskrbela pa bo tudi, da domov ne boste odšli žejni! 

CENA: 50 EUR/ oseba (DDV je vključen v ceno) 

Možni termini:
– MAJ & JUNIJ: sobota in nedelja
– JULIJ-OKTOBER: ponedeljek, sreda, petek


NEW: An innovative escape room game without walls, without electricity and with the
most stunning views. This experience is especially suitable for older children and
adults, groups of friends, team-building events and tourists visiting Slovenia. It’s
perfect for anyone who already knows Kekec’s story or wants to discover it in a
slightly different way. In families with younger children (up to 8 years old) the parents
will be more active, and children will be good in watching out for Bedanec and
helping to solve challenges. Older children (8+) will be able to solve the puzzles
more on their own or with the help of hints, leading to the final solution.
Your mission: In the game, you will step into the shoes of the hero Kekec and follow
the paths of Mojca, Brincelj, Aunt Pehta and the evil Bedanec. Your mission is to find
the ingredients for the Elixir of Enlightenment before the dark force poisons the entire
planet. Bedanec is on your heels, and you only have a limited time to decipher the
recipe that Aunt Pehta has safely hidden and save the planet before it’s too late!
This unforgettable adventure is enhanced by original challenges, live animals,
tunnels, slides and other elements of surprise.
Important instructions and a short summary:
– The game is suitable for 2–6 players.
– The whole adventure takes from 90 minutes to 2 hours.
– Tickets and game props can be collected at the Julijana Agency.
– You can travel to the game start location by your own transportation or use the
organised transportation from in front of the Julijana Agency.
– In this experience, you will meet one or two characters from the Land of
Kekec, who can help you with solving challenges.
– Pets are not allowed in the Land of Kekec, as Kekec’s goats do not like furry

– Places are limited, so it is best to book through the form below or by phone to
secure your desired date.
– Play the game at your own risk. Embarking on this adventure means you
agree to the general terms and conditions of the game (see below).
– GOOD SPIRITS and a sharp mind are the only necessary equipment!

100 EUR per team (2–4 players), +25 EUR for each additional player (maximum of 6
players in a team).

Monday–Sunday: 9.00–18.00 (please contact us by telephone or email to check
availability for exact times)





051 623 701

Borovška cesta 93b,
Kranjska Gora